Distance Healing

These healing modalities can be offered in any location at any time

Ensofic Ray

The Ensofic Ray invigorates the physical body and directs attention and healing to areas where negative thoughts and emotions are stored. This healing lifts away negative energies from the body and helps to clarify the energy systems to provide peace, mental clarity, a renewed sense of connection to purpose and heightens your vibration, elevating you above the illness that the lower vibrations create. A typical treatment consists of 3 sessions however it can be done as a stand-alone.

"I had the privilege of experiencing the Ensofic Ray Distance Healing with Rob. I was in a moment where I was in a lot of pain (in my liver area) that was debilitating for weeks. During the session I just simply felt warmth.

After the session I felt an immediate rush of intuition that had me know what to do to stop the pain. I am so grateful that I had Rob to help me interrupt the pattern and fast track my healing process."

 - Elizabeth, Fellow Lightworker

Spark of Life

This unique modality is one of the most powerful modalities that we have for remote healing. It was used by high priests and priestesses to keep their energy high during travel and when they were away from the temple. The practitioner accesses the original divine spark and channels its light to the recipient.  At this point, healing can take place. Permission and coordination are required for this healing to have its full benefit.